Superworms are arguably one of the most common feeder insects. They are the larvae of a species of Darkling Beetle (Zophobas morio) that are readily enjoyed by reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and other insectivores. Their ease of care has undoubtedly contributed to their popularity. Simply house them on a 1-2” deep bran-based bedding, in a transparent container; at 22°-28° Celsius (73°-83° Fahrenheit). This will allow you to see how much of the bedding (which doubles as food) has turned into frass. Offer your Superworms moisture in the form of carrot or potato slices; paying special attention to the presence of mold and quickly removing it. Unlike Mealworms, you cannot refrigerate this species to increase their shelf life because it will kill them. When kept under optimal conditions, Superworms can have a life expectancy of 4 months to 1 year.
Nutritional Values:
Moisture 61.40%
Fat 14.30%
Protein 20.00%
Fiber 1.80%
Calcium 173 ppm